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Navratras 2024: Here’s how to manifest based on the zodiac element

Navratras, the nine nights of fasting and prayers dedicated to the goddess, are not only about puja and austerity. This spiritual time can be utilised to get back into harmony with your soul and create what you want in your life. However, most people feel that their manifestations appear weak no matter how hard they try.
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So why is Manifestation not working for you? This is because manifestation often gets misconstrued as a way to achieve success through some trickery. What we learn from reading or listening to, such as writing affirmations, thinking positively, and speaking our goals aloud, are but the superficial tools of manifestation. The real power is to believe and connect your energy with what you want to achieve.
You are not getting what you want because you approach manifestation as a magical process. You may easily get caught believing that putting your goals on paper or saying positive things to yourself is enough to manifest your dreams. But manifestation is not a magic spell where you say some words and get what you want; it is a process that involves personal transformation, time, and trust.
Indeed, writing, thinking, and saying affirmations are good, but they are not the only things we can do. The actual manifestation is rooted in your beliefs. You must convince yourself that your desires are achievable, that you deserve them, and that they are already on their way to you. Lacking this belief, even the most rigorous manifestation practices can lead to nothing.
Manifestation is not just about saying things out loud – manifestation is about energy. Several individuals ask themselves why they are not getting the desired outcome even when they are trying. This is most often due to a misalignment of energy. Affirmation works when all that you are thinking, saying, feeling and doing is in harmony with what you want. For instance, if you are using the law of attraction to seek a new job but at the back of your mind you are not convinced that you are capable of getting the job, your manifestation journey will be hindered. So, manifestation is not only about positive thinking and speaking, it is about having your consciousness, your emotions, your body, your mind, your actions, and your words all fully lined up with what you desire.
Every element of the zodiac has its own way of manifesting. Let’s explore some personalised tips for each group to help you manifest during Navratras 2024:
Fire signs are generally dynamic, but during Navratras, it is important that the energy is channelled with proper goals. It also means that you should spend more time envisioning what you want before you act on it. Fire signs generally do not like to wait and would like to see the results as quickly as possible. Utilise the Navratri power to practice patience. Remember that manifestations might be slow and that forcing the process will only make it worse. Light a ghee diya daily during Navratras to increase your spirituality and fire element.
Earth signs are realistic and down to earth, but they may also be stubborn. When Navratras are celebrated, try to let go and leave everything to the forces at work. Earth signs can take their manifestations and anchor them in the real world. Imagery goes a long way in achieving goals – ensure that your goals are well-painted in how you want them to be. Prepare a holy zone with the help of earth substances such as stones, crystals, or soil to become more connected to the goal during Navratras.
Air signs always overcomplicate things or dissipate their energy across various ideas. While performing Navratras, one must concentrate on one or two objectives for manifestation. To manifest for air signs, it is necessary to use both the head and the hands. Document your goals in writing, but also work on the practical ways of making those goals exist. Try to do mantra chanting or breathwork in the morning to synchronise your mind and body during Navratras.
Water signs are sensitive and emotional and, therefore, can help or hinder manifestation. Employ Navratras to overcome all emotional issues that are holding back your desires. Water signs are great intuitive thinkers. In Navratras, learn from your intuition and the directions leading to your objectives. Use water as your medium by arranging flowers in water or doing your daily meditations with the water to tap into your feelings and emotions to help in manifestation.
Navratras are the best time for manifestation because spiritual energy is at its best. From an astrological perspective, the placements of the planets at this time can help one understand how to manifest more effectively.
The Moon: Being the controller of emotions, the Moon is one of the most important aspects of manifestation. While in Navratras, the Chandra Darshan or the waxing and waning of the Moon, has a bearing on how you establish your goals. The waxing Moon days, particularly the first three days, are suitable for manifestation, while the waning Moon is great for releasing that hinders manifestation.
Venus: Venus rules love, beauty, and money. Thus, during Navratras, Venus can help in manifestations connected to relationships, love for oneself, and material prosperity. If Venus is well placed in your chart, you should concentrate on positive energy and prosperity now.
Saturn: Saturn symbolises discipline, responsibility and long-term business success. Of course, Saturn may seem more limiting, but it can actually help you manifest more because it helps you focus on the tangible. Saturn represents hard work; therefore, try to make serious progress during Navratras.
To strengthen your manifestation power during Navratras, it is recommended to write your top three manifestations for the day each morning. This not only sets a positive tone but also creates belief. Further, recite chants such as “Om Dum Durgayei Namaha” to invoke the feminine energy in your manifestations. Present sweets such as ghee, flowers and other articles to Maa Durga to show faith in the act and the gods. Finally, take five minutes, sit down, close your eyes and imagine all your manifestations becoming realities.
Neeraj Dhankher
(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Contact: Noida: +919910094779
